I’m not a regular mum, I’m a school mum!

This Blog today is all about little ones starting school, and how I felt about my son starting.

 I know some people will feel slight relief about their little ones starting reception, and some parents will feel the complete opposite. But everyone's experience is completely different and personal to them.

My son is nearly finishing off his first year of reception. And truly I cannot believe how fast it has gone. If anybody had known what I was like a year ago from now, you'd know how hard I was finding it. I couldn't even speak about him starting school before I would well up, tears rolling down my face . What a absolute mess I was!! I remember looking at him in moments and watching him sleep (sounds creepy I know!) thinking soon school life is going to rob me of my time spent with him and how will I cope with him gone for 5 whole days. I realise now how fortunate I was to be able to spend so much time together, because some families have no other choice but to work. When Tommy turned 4 he became my little mate, I loved spending time with him. And life was that little bit easier. All they really need you for is to get that snack box off the top of the cupboard because they can't reach, or occasionally wipe their bum if they're feeling lazy. So for that to be gone and being left with my two year old felt somehow quite strange. 

My mum did actually tell me to sort myself out with the emotions because otherwise Tommy will pick up on it...

Then shortly after that conversation happened someone asked Tommy how he felt about starting school and his response 'Don't talk about it in front of mummy because she will start crying again' whoops it was already too late!

I remember before children scrolling through social media and seeing mums posting their 'back to school' photos of their children and not really thinking anything of it. But now this was my turn and my heart was absolutely bursting with pride, I totally understood what it was all about now.

Actually, the starting school part wasn't the experience we were expecting from Tommy, and for all that are lucky enough to know my Tommy you would know he's a happy confident little boy, gets stuck in. He has never suffered separation anxiety, so surely school will be a breeze? The week leading up to it I was just trying to squeeze our lasts into it. Having fun with his best friends, beach trips, Lego Land, a trip to the farm. Ice creams, the sandwich shop (Subway is his fave). But what I didn't realise was Tommy was actually very nervous about starting and he didn't know how to express and talk about it all. He knew he felt odd but couldn't explain why. Days before his first day, he wouldn't eat (this boy eats me out of house and home) not sleeping, not drinking not even really playing. He very nearly didn't have his first day because we thought he was poorly. This went on for about a week, and one afternoon we had a conversation and he was able to say, I think I was a little bit nervous mummy. But I like school now.

I feel completely selfish and silly that I allowed my emotions to run wild, He knew his mummy would rather he be at home but he was going to have to go to school. Just another case to add to the constant feels of mum guilt!

Reflecting on his first school year, there has been soo many moments where I have enjoyed watching him grow and felt immensely proud of the little man hes become. Here are some of my highs;

  • Listening to them coming home telling you what they've been learning 

  • Watching them write their names

  • Reading books 

  • Waiting to see their little smiley face leaving the door to greet them after a long day

  • Nativities

  • Christmas carols

  • Christmas cards from all new friends

  • Going through their tapestry of what they've been up to

  • Sports Day (although obviously my son didn't enjoy it)

  • Seeing new friendships develop 

  • First parents

Just putting it out there, Parties and school PTA. Start saving!!!

Lastly I would like to say good luck to all children starting off new ventures into School. Especially our own little Finnley.

Mummy's/ daddy's; look at what you've achieved and created. You’ve got this!



Emetophobia mum life


New mum anxiety